6 Things to Keep in Mind at your First Job


I was hired for my first “real-world” job this past August, and by “real world” I mean the glamourous life of a 9-5 job with an office and steady paycheck. While I’ve only worked here for 6 months, the excitement of getting my first post-graduate job and finally starting my career has slowly lost its sparkle.

I think like most of my peers, we have this perception that as soon as we get handed our diplomas we’re going to march off the stage and into our dream career. Our co-workers will become our best friends, our bosses will continually be impressed by our incredible talent and understanding at such a young age, and our paychecks will be enough to fund a semi-yearly trip to the Bahamas. No one else? Ok then, maybe that was just me.

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4 Tips for “Staying Afloat” in a Challenging Season

far away study

I’m friends with Legally Blonde. No, not Reese Witherspoon’s character Elle Woods, but a living breathing Law School student with fabulously blonde hair, quick whit and a borderline caffeine addiction. Emily and I have been friends for longer than we haven’t in our short 24 years on this planet. We’ve grown up and moved away from each other but she remains to be one of my dearest friends and someone whose wisdom never ceases to amaze and inspire me.

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My Coming Out Story Will Change Your Perception Of ‘Sorority Girls’

friends at campfire

One thing I’ve always valued above anything else is friendship. I feel very fortunate in my life to be surrounded by women that are strong, confident, creative and caring.

One such person is my friend Claire. We met when we went through sorority recruitment and have continued to stay friends years later. She is one of the boldest people I know, and someone I consider a total Lady Boss. I’m super excited to feature a story she wrote for Elite Daily, and hope that you find as much inspiration in her story as I do. Thanks for being you Claire!

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Trance-like summer


This past week, amidst the normal blur of conference calls, weekly meetings and my ever present procrastination, I found myself day dreaming.

There is a sort of melancholy that happens with each new season. As though life has finally caught up with you, and you realize the closing of another chapter.

While the fall was fresh, crisp and inviting with its spicy cider and cozy scarfs, and winter promises powdered sugar trees and sweet mulled wine, I’ve been recollecting on my summer a few years ago lost among the land of 10,000 lakes and exploring an introverted side of myself that I have never really known.

I had time to think, read good books and take naps. I spent long days in freckled skin drinking fresh lemonade and eating grilled corn.

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