Six End Tables for Under $160


brass table

I don’t know if this is true for every interior designer, but at least for me, I’m my own worst client. I think because I can argue a case for any style/shape/color I get really caught up with what my design aesthetic truly is, and can never seem to decide on anything for myself.

Case in point: end tables. I’ve been living without end tables for months now and it’s totally driving me insane. Not only does it just feel bare on either side of the sofa, but I’m particularly lazy and hate leaning forward to the coffee table to reach for another glass of wine *insert eye-roll emoji here*.

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Bittersweet, Gratitude and Acceptance

untitled shoot-396

“When life is sweet say thank you and celebrate, and when life is bitter, say thank you and grow.”

The above quote is from one of my favorite writers, Shauna Niequist. I first read her book Bittersweet when I was in my first semester of college, thousands of miles from home, searching for a new community and new identity. It was the first truly transitional phase of life I had ever been through, and the words that Shauna wrote somehow became the thread that held me together during that phase of life.

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Lavender Dream

Lavender dress

Happy Tuesday Y’all. I hope you had a good weekend and your Monday didn’t drag on to long. For me, my weekend was filled with a wedding, bridal shower and house hunting details which were all SO GOOD. These things also make me feel like I’m so much more of an adult than I really am… (Let’s be real, I still had ice cream for dinner yesterday so I’m not quite there yet.)

With the weather in Colorado being unusually hot this summer, and my lack of air conditioning in both my apartment AND car (seriously I’m melting), I’ve been all about the breezy dresses; HELLOOOO CIFFON

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Rompin’ Around



I’ve been totally MIA the last week, but this past weekend one of my favorite people in the world got married. Anna and I have been friends since 6th grade and being able to be a part of her wedding and celebrating her and Eric’s love for each other was truly magical. I’ve never been so inspired by what love and a whole-hearted relationship can look like.

On a completely separate note I finally have enough time to blog about this romper that I’ve been wearing on repeat this summer. I love how it can be dressed up or down depending on the shoes and seems like the perfect happy hour pick.

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Lacey and Free


“You are the books you read, the films you watch, the music you listen to, the people you meet, the dreams you have, the conversations you engage in. You are what you take from these. You are the sounds of the ocean, the breath of fresh air, the brightest light and the darkest corner. You are a collective of every experience you have had in your life. You are every single second of every single day. So drown yourself in a sea of knowledge and existence. Let the words run through your veins and let the colors fill your mind.”

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