How to Survive your Early 20s



“I am a subscriber to a wine program that delivers 4 bottles of wine to your door every 4 weeks… it’s not enough.”

What is it about your early 20’s that are both wildly exciting and beautiful, while simultaneously being overwhelmingly confusing and at times incredibly lonely? And how come no one warns you about it?

Does no one want to admit it? Or is just maybe that the more you talk about it the more f***ed up your life feels? What is it about people in their 30s that look a little less frantic and a little more put together? And when does it stop being acceptable to eat cereal for dinner and using paper towels as plates?

Chances are they did warn us, but if you’re anything like me you didn’t quite get it because you were too busy looking at the world through your rose-colored Ray Bans to notice the misty grey of the unknown come seeping in.

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Washington D.C. City Guide

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Processed with VSCOcam with q2 preset

Anyone who has visited the East Coast will have encountered a being native only to this region of the world- a being endlessly studied and imitated. I am referring to the East Coaster.

Growing up in the West, I was fascinated by my first encounters with these in-habitants, who seem to compare how worthy a city is of being called a “city,” like my high school friends are prone to comparing camping gear. At first, I considered this argument petty and a hilarious result of being raised so far away from big mountains. But I found myself pulled into the debates as if I had an actual claim to stake. Those from New York think there is only one true city in the U.S. People from Suburbia would never claim they live outside of cities. Philadelphia residents define themselves through an accent so distinct, hundreds of pages of research have been collected on the matter.

I happen to be a resident of Washington D.C., which is an amalgam of many different cultures. And one thing any DC resident will tell you, DC is not New York. Some say this with disdain, being taught from a young age that anything outside of New York City is rural. I have come to this statement with a sense of pride to be a resident of a hospitable and young city. It is through this lens that I write my weekend guide to DC: whether you are on vacation and looking for some excitement through city life, or need some R&R from the bustling craziness of life, here are some of my suggestions for a summer weekend in DC.

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Anthro Summer Shorts


I vividly remember walking around the newly re-designed 29th street mall in Boulder sometime in high school when I saw Anthropologie for the first time. It’s safe to say that my obsession started  that same moment, and has been a continuous battle ever since- fueled with frequent shopping trips and my best friends’ mutual obsession. I even worked there for a brief, but shinning moment in college. Sadly for me, but lucky for my wallet, my college was in another town so I had to kiss my 40% discount goodbye.

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10 Summer Entertaining Essentials

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With the weather finally heating up it’s about time that our grills are too. There is nothing I love more in the summer than evenings spent with friends sharing good food, bubbly drinks and lots of stories. This season of life finds me jonesing for an outdoor space (my tiny city apartment doesn’t even have a balcony), but to all you lucky B*tches out there, here are your top ten summer entertaining essentials.

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Crop Top



Two things you should know about me:

1. I LOVE a good high-waisted pair of pants.

2. I’m self conscious about wearing crop tops.

Funny right?! I feel like the two go together like peanut butter and jelly, but like most women, I have this perception that unless you’re Taylor Swift with abs as flat as a book, there needs to be a LOT more top, and a little less crop.

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Sweet Sausage Hash

sweet potatoe hash

So about a month ago I decided that my body needed a re-boot. I have been feeling a little sluggish and “off” in more ways than one, and needed a good “spring cleaning” from the inside out. Enter: the Whole 3o. There’s a whole book and lifestyle based around the Whole 30 (read about it here) but the basics are that you focus on a vegetable and protein diet with limited fruit. That’s it. No dairy, no grains, no soy, no legumes, ect.

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Memorial Day



This past Memorial Day weekend was busy for me, but seriously one of my favorite weekends of the year. Having grown up in Boulder, Memorial Day is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s filled with Barbeques, Graduations, the Boulder Bolder 10k and the ever-entertaining Boulder Creek Fest (seriously takes the term “granola” and “boulder hippie” to a whole new level.) But I LOVE it.

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9 Wake-up Calls from a 20-Something

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Y’all. I’m too excited to introduce Chasing Whimsy’s newest contributing editor: Kelly.

She was my soul sister the first year I lived in my Sorority house, and continues to inspire me with her gritty optimism and lady boss vibes. After being a National Consultant for the past 2 years traveling around the country, Kelly has learned a thing or two about being a young professional and has gathered her thoughts in a witty, honest and convenient 9 point list for you to enjoy.

*caveat to her #5 life lesson: Once Kelly and I were taking a walk and we wandered by some college guys throwing knifes at a tree. When asked if we wanted a try Kelly’s immediate response was “Sure! I’ll try anything once!”

Thanks for being you Kelly!

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