Never have I ever owned an electric toothbrush.
Honestly, I’ve never understood the hype. I’m a basic, manual toothbrush kind of gal, but when Smile Brilliant asked if I would like to collaborate with them and try their cariPRO electric toothbrush I was skeptical, but thought I’d give it a try.

After using it for a few weeks, I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to give electric toothbrushes a try. I love that with the cariPRO each of the FIVE settings has a timer for two minutes, with a brief pause between each 30 seconds to let you know that it’s time to move to a different quadrant of your mouth.

I also love that it’s completely waterproof- which is perfect for those of you (me) that love brushing your teeth in the shower (two birds, one stone am I right?!).

If you’re still a skeptic like I was, let me hit you with some facts:
- Your mouth will be healthier- The cariPRO removes 7x more plaque than a manual toothbrush and can improve gum health in as little as 2 weeks.
- Your teeth will be whiter- Daily brushing with your cariPRO will remove more surface stains from everyday food and drink, giving you a noticeably brighter smile. (i.e. my daily coffee habit)
- It’s Half the price of combarable toothbrushes- I think part of my hesitation with electronic toothbrushes was the price, so with cariPRO Ultrasonic offering optimal performance for half the price of a comparable electronic toothbrush, it’s really a no brainier.

If you’re interested in trying out your own cariPRO electric toothbrush, you can use my code chasingwhimsydesigns20 for 20% off. Happy brushing and #smilefearlessly
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